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Looking for a way to save money on Frase.io, the cool tool that helps you write better and faster? You’re in the right spot!

A Frase.io coupon code is like a special secret word that gives you a discount when you sign up for their service.

24It’s easy to use and can help you keep some extra cash in your pocket.

We’re going to show you how to find these codes, use them when you’re buying a Frase plan, and share tips on getting the best deals out there. So, let’s start saving!

How to Claim Frase io Coupon in 19th May 2024? (Step by step)

here’s how you can claim your Frase discount with these simple steps:

Step #1: Click on the link to visit Frase’s official website.


Go straight to the pricing section to see the list of plans. Decide on the one that suits you best and click on “Get Started.”


Step #2: Got an existing Frase account? Simply log in. If not, it’s easy to start one. Just sign up using your email address and hit “Sign Up.” Keep an eye on your email inbox; Frase will send over a verification code. Find this code in your email, then enter it into the specified box on the Frase website and click “Confirm Email.”

Frase Sign Up

Step #3: Select the 15% Off Yearly discount.

Frase start with $1 Trial

Step #4: You’re nearly there. Fill in your payment information — card number, the name as it appears on the card, the expiration date, and the CVC security code, as well as your billing state.

Step #5: Have your Frase Io coupon code ready. When you’re at the checkout page, paste your coupon code into the designated field.

Enter Frase coupon code

Once you apply the coupon code, the discount should be factored into your total cost. Enjoy the savings and your new access to Frase tools!

Frase’s Io Features in 19th May 2024

Frase’s features make it an attractive tool for anyone involved in content creation and optimization. Here’s a breakdown of its key functionalities:

  1. Content Brief: Frase can automatically generate detailed content briefs, saving you hours by pulling together the internet’s top-performing content into a single view.
  2. AI Writer: Use AI to craft content from scratch quickly. This feature can produce drafts at the click of a button.
  3. Content Optimization: Whether you’re working on new content or want to improve existing articles, Frase can optimize for specific keywords just by entering a URL.
  4. Team Management: Collaborate with your team seamlessly within Frase by organizing projects and work in shared folders.
  5. Google Search Console Integration: Draft your outlines and analyze content performance with integrated Google Search Console data.
  6. Multi-Language Support: Frase supports multiple languages, allowing you to optimize content in various languages beyond English.

Who Benefits from Frase?

  • SEO Writers: They can use Frase to speed up keyword research and content analysis, streamlining the process of creating SEO-friendly content.
  • Content Marketers: These professionals can produce content that not only ranks well but also attracts and converts their target audience with Frase’s tools.
  • Marketing Agencies: Agencies can rely on Frase to efficiently produce high-quality, SEO-optimized content for their clients, freeing them to focus on strategy and other tasks.

Pricing and Getting Started

  • Frase offers an affordable starting price, sometimes with promotions allowing you to begin using it for as little as $1. This introductory offer typically gives you a taste of the platform’s capabilities and can be a cost-effective way to evaluate its value for your content strategy needs.

For current pricing and to check if there’s an ongoing promotion, visiting the Frase website or contacting their sales team would provide the most accurate information.

Frase io Pricing 19th May 2024 with Discount Code

Frase has a flexible pricing structure to accommodate different users and needs, starting with an introductory trial offer. Here’s a summary of their payment plans and what you get:

$1 Trial Plan:

Frase start with $1 Trial

  • This is a 5-day trial that lets you test out Frase’s features.
  • You can cancel it anytime if you decide it’s not right for you.

Monthly and Annual Subscriptions:

Frase offers three main plans:


  1. Solo Plan:
    • Monthly: $14.99 per month, suitable for creating up to 4 articles a month.
    • Annually: If you choose to pay yearly, the cost is reduced to approximately $12.66 per month.
  2. Basic Plan:
    • Monthly: $44.99 per month, designed for generating up to 30 articles a month.
    • Annually: Opting for an annual payment brings the monthly equivalent down to about $38.25.
  3. Team Plan:
    • Monthly: $114.99 per month, includes access for up to 3 users and the ability to create an unlimited number of articles.
    • Annually: When billed yearly, the cost is approximately $97.75 per month.

Pro Add-On:

  • If you hit the word limit on your plan, you can extend your capabilities with the Pro add-on.
  • For an extra $35 per month, this add-on offers unlimited AI-generated words and access to premium features.

Each plan is tailored to different types of users, from solo writers to larger teams, and the Pro add-on ensures even heavy users can keep working without interruption.

Annual subscriptions provide a discount, making them a more economical choice for long-term use. Always check the latest pricing and details on the Frase website, as they could have updates or special promotions.